Thursday, October 9, 2014

Halloween is around the corner and Lorshek Morseh is dressed for the occasion

Halloween is around the corner and Lorshek Morseh is dressed for the occasion.
It's a scary world out there.  Halloween is really popular in America I know and it's only recent that it is eventful in Japan.  Well, mostly in the big cities of Japan.  There really is no trick or treating though but the stores are filled with Halloween goods and  displays.  I have seen people dressed up to go to parties in Tokyo but not as crazy as I have seen in the states. Hmmm maybe we should have a Halloween party at Junie Moon and a costume contest to see who can be 1) the scariest, 2) the funniest and 3) the most stylish. Any other categories?

もうすぐハロ ウィーン。
ローシェックモルセーにモモリタさんのドレスセットを着せて見た。外は怖いよ!アメリカではハロウィーンはとてもポピュラーだけど日本はまだま だイベントは少ないし、トリックオアトリートも皆やってないし。でもお店の中はハロウィーングッズがたくさんあるディスプレイも黒と紫が多い。さいきん、東京の電車の中でハロウィーンパーティー帰りの人を見る。でもアメリカと比べると少ない。ジュニームーンでハロ ウィーンパーティーを企画してコスチュームコンテストでもしようかな。。。皆来てくれるかしら?コンテストのカテゴリーは、例えば、1)一番怖い、2)一 番おかしい、と3)一番ファショナブルを選ぶのはどう?他どんなカテゴリーが良い?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Country Summer becomes Country Autumn

She's one of those dolls that got stuck in between some exclusives and a bit overlooked. So I am going to make a point to play with her to show that she is worthy and beautiful and great to have in your collection. WHY? Because she is really cute and takes great pictures. She has that vintage feel in her face and is one of those girls that represent the original Blythe look. She's fun to play with too!
Maybe I shouldn't have named her Country Summer? Never mind, because I am going to take pictures of her in the fall and she can be Country Autumn.  Later I will shoot her in cold months and call her Country Winter.  And then Country Christmas.
So anyway, here is the first of my photos. A look at Country Autumn.
