Tuesday, January 31, 2012

3 Beautiful Years with LeLe Junie Moon Lele Junie Moonも3年経ちました!

We are getting ready to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of LeLe Junie Moon. This shop is located in Marui One, the one stop shop for lovers of Japanese girls fashion. Our shop is inspired by mori girl, soft vintage looks, and handmade goods.

Lele Junie Moonもまもなくオープンして3年を迎えます!このショップは、マルイワンの中。マルイワンは、日本のガールズファッションが大好きな人にとってとっても楽しいお店です!私たちのお店は、森ガールとか優しげなヴィンテージスタイルをテーマに手作りグッズなどもご紹介しています。

For the past 3 years we have supported Japanese artists by selling a finely curated selection of the sweetest and highest quality handmade accessories and goods. It's been a joy sharing the work of these talented artisans.


Please join us for the "Alice in LeLe Land" exhibit. Some of our most popular artists will be making Alice themed accessories and bags just for this event!

ぜひ「Alice in LeLe Land」展を観にきてくださいね!人気の作家さんが、アリスをテーマにアクセサリーやバッグをこの展覧会のためにつくってくださいました。

『Alice in LeLe Land』02/18- 03/16/2012 

Please join us in celebration of the 3 year anniversary of LELE Junie Moon!

30 Artists will be exhibiting their original handmade accessories, bags, plush and more and will fill the store in the essence of our favorite storybook character Alice.

Featured in our Front Showcase will be customized dolls wearing original fashion by the following artists:
2月11日~3月2日 saki yamashita / Rico*(vanilla*latte)
3月3日~3月16日Miyuki Odani

Exhibiting Artitsts are:

Machiru/『trunk』・chiyo/little shop/Alioth/sweet cream/Ricotta/Petit Uls Plan/
Mademoiselle Yako/イYellow Peach/*cotolie yuka/Michu coquette/pienilokki/mimi hiraoka/
bao et bao/MUM’S THE WORD/mimeru/ambleuki/spilla/quizzical elephant/umloo
Suzuran March/POLICO/Raspberry Ripple /Junko Kamei/Kumanta/Korisu Factory/ouioui/
Bebidou Mihiru/Rico*(vanilla*latte)/SIESTE/saki yamashita/Miyuki Odani/etc.

『Alice in LeLe Land』 2月18日(土)から3月16日(金)まで開催決定!

LeLe Junie Moonの3周年を祝う展覧会にぜひお越し下さいね!

2月11日(土・祭)~3月2日(金) Saki Yamashita / Rico*(vanilla*latte)
3月3日(土)~3月16日(金) オダニミユキ

マチル/『trunk』・chiyo/little shop/Alioth/sweet cream/Ricotta/プチウールスブラン/
Mademoiselle Yako/イエローピーチ/*cotolie yuka/Michu coquette/pienilokki/mimi hiraoka/
bao et bao/MUM’S THE WORD/mimeru/ambleuki/spilla/quizzical elephant/umloo
すずらんまーち/POLICO/Raspberry Ripple /亀井純子/くまんた/Korisu Factory/ouioui/
ベビ堂・ミヒル/Rico*(vanilatte)/SIESTE/saki yamashita/オダニミユキ/etc.

*Shop Map and information*

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Favorite Girls- Tumblr 私のお気に入りの女の子!Tumblrで紹介中!

I've started a tumblr dedicated to my favorite girls, Blythe! Please check it out at the following link:



Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nagoya and Tokyo Book Signing Event 名古屋と東京で本のサイン会を行います!

There's been lots of buzz about the new Blythe Collection Guide book. We are so please with the feedback we are getting!


I will be traveling to the Nagoya Libro bookstore to sign the Blythe Collection Guide book. Please come on February 19th, to have your book and Blythe goods signed! The book will be available at the Nagoya Libro book store from January 27 until February 26!


I will also have a signing at Junie Moon on February 11 from 3:00 pm. Please come out with your Blythe!


For more information about the book signing at Junie Moon please check our website:



We hope to see you there!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

galaxias! x Blythe

Blythe is the image girl for the new group called galaxias! the album is out now.

With the completely modern/fresh/new concept, a group of 3 music creators, Kou Shibasaki, DECO*27 and TeddyLoid is now formed... the galaxias!

In outer space... they hurtled towards the crack leads to the parallel world...indeed. ended up on the earth. in 2011.. by galaxias! The "Galastic!" voyage finally begins...

ブライスは、新ユニット「galaxias!」のためのイメージガールになっているんですよ。いまCDが発売中です。モダンですごくフレッシュ。そして新しいコンセプトをもった3人のクリエイターたち...柴咲コウ、DECO*27 そして、TeddyLoidが作ったユニットが、 galaxias!なんです。

宇宙では、彼らはパラレルワールドにつながる空間を目指して突き進みました。そして最後には、地球にたどり着いたのです。2011年の出来事でした。by galaxias!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Luvable and Hugable at Junie Moon

We've had this exhibition now every year for about three years. Recently, Blythe is mixed into the plushy world. Reminds me of ET hiding in the closet with all the stuffed animals. I just want to hug them ALL!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Son's new album

My son, Dustin Wong animated this promotion video for his up coming album to be released by Thrill Jockey in February in the US. Please enjoy!

私の息子のミュージシャンでもあるDustin Wongが、このプロモーションビデオをアニメーションしました。これはアメリカでThrill Jockeyよりリリースされる次のアルバムのためにつくられました。楽しんでね。