Q: Who is Red Delicious?
A: She is our 11th anniversary girl coming out in September 2012.
Q: What is the inspiration behind Red Delicious?
A: She is an ode to Snow White. The idea of making Blythe represent the ever-so-beautiful Snow White began in 2008 the 7th anniversary year. The theme was "Once Upon a Wonder World", a look at the intricate fables we all loved as children. That year we invited over a hundred designers, artists and guests to participate in this charity exhibition and gave them a choice of stories to create their one off Blythe dolls. In that list was "Snow White" one of my most favorite fairy tales of all time. But instead of making a Snow White themed Blythe as the Anniversary Doll, I decided to create my own story. Thus the story "Denizens of the Lake" was written and the two sisters , Christina the Bride and Eleanor the Forest Dancer were born. It's been nearly 4 years since and this is the 11th anniversary and the right moment for a Snow White inspired Blythe to make her debut.
Q: What's behind the name Red Delicious?
A: Red Delicious is a name of a variety of apples that were cultivated in the
late 1800 in America. It is very shiny, very red, and very juicy. I
imagined this apple to be THE APPLE that entices the young innocent girl to
take a bite.
の種類です。すごく光っていて、真っ赤、 とてもジューシーな林檎で、可愛らしい少女だったら、 思わず一口食べてみたくなる林檎です。
Q: What's the fashion concept?
ですから、イングリッシュゴシックのスタイル、 ビビアンをヒントにしています。
とはいえ、私たちはいつも追求しているのは、「かわいさ」 ですから、それは忘れていません。
彼女の名前や林檎の色からしても、 赤がポイントの色になってはいますね。
そして、林檎はすでにかじられてしまっていますから、 ドレスの前の部分にかじったあとがあるんです。
真っ赤な林檎が、一口かじられてしまい果肉の色が見えている…… 、黄色みのかかったベージュの
Q: Her make-up and hair?
A: Red Delicious is a name of a variety of apples that were cultivated in the
late 1800 in America. It is very shiny, very red, and very juicy. I
imagined this apple to be THE APPLE that entices the young innocent girl to
take a bite.
Q: What's the fashion concept?
A: I always thought the story of Snow White was dark and Gothic. Not light and
sparkly like it is often represented. My fashion inspiration was English,
Gothic, and a hint of Vivian. But as we always do, we strive for the
Kawaiiness somewhere in between. Obviously red is the key color, and as her
name suggests, an apple. But this apple has been bitten into. You can see
the bite mark in the front of the dress and the flesh of the apple is hinted
with the yellow beige underskirt.
私はいつも暗くてゴシックなイメージをいつも持っていました。A: I always thought the story of Snow White was dark and Gothic. Not light and
sparkly like it is often represented. My fashion inspiration was English,
Gothic, and a hint of Vivian. But as we always do, we strive for the
Kawaiiness somewhere in between. Obviously red is the key color, and as her
name suggests, an apple. But this apple has been bitten into. You can see
the bite mark in the front of the dress and the flesh of the apple is hinted
with the yellow beige underskirt.
Q: Her make-up and hair?
A: Poor Blythe, she has already bitten into the forbidden fruit. Pull the extra string in the back and she will sleep. Only you can wake her again. Her hair is dark and luxurious with hints of red ( again ) highlighting her beauty when she steps into the sunlight.
類いまれな美しさを際立たせる赤い色の豪華さが特に引き立つこと でしょう。
Q: How many are there in all?
A: Like all anniversary dolls, the amount made represents the year we live in. So 2012 in all.
2012です。いままでのアニバーサリードールと同じように、その年の数字がアニバーサリードールの 制作数になります。
Q: Anything else to add?
A: That there is a Petite named Red Apple ( except she is wearing a pretty pink dress). I see this Little Red as being Big Red's guardian angel. The fairy that protects her from danger and destruction. Kind of like a pet. In fact I think I will get 7 of these Little Reds and they are the dwarfs in the forest that take Red in when she lost, alone and in sheer desperation. Who said the dwarfs had to be "guys" anyway.
かわいいピンクのドレスを着ていますけれど、 私はこの小さな赤い子が大きな赤い子を守ってくれる天使だと思っ ています。 小さな妖精はいつも危険や困難な状況から救い出してくれる存在、 いつも一緒のペットみたいなところもありますね。 実際に私はレッドアップルを七人そろえようと思っているんですよ 。だって、森で迷って、 ひとりぼっちで困っていたときに助けてくれたのは、 七人のこびとたちですから。 こびとさんたちが男の子だっていう証拠はないしね!
Q: How many are there in all?
A: Like all anniversary dolls, the amount made represents the year we live in. So 2012 in all.
2012です。いままでのアニバーサリードールと同じように、その年の数字がアニバーサリードールの 制作数になります。
Q: Anything else to add?
A: That there is a Petite named Red Apple ( except she is wearing a pretty pink dress). I see this Little Red as being Big Red's guardian angel. The fairy that protects her from danger and destruction. Kind of like a pet. In fact I think I will get 7 of these Little Reds and they are the dwarfs in the forest that take Red in when she lost, alone and in sheer desperation. Who said the dwarfs had to be "guys" anyway.