Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blythe Knows Interview: Neo Blythe Lavender Hug

Each month Blythe shops receive a copy of the "Blythe Knows" newsletter. It includes a special interview with Blythe Creative Producer, Mrs. Junko Wong describing in depth information about new Blythe doll releases. Read on to learn more about Lavender Hug!


Q1: ラベンダーハグってどんな性格の女の子?
A 1: ラベンダーハグはとにかく遊び好きで、
ション映画「The Mitten」にでてくる女の子のことを、私に思い出させてくれますね。

Q1: Can you describe Lavender Hug's personality?
A1: Lavender Hug is essentially a playful and imaginative little girl. She
reminds me a bit of the little girl in the Russian animation The Mitten.
Let's let Lavender imagine her earmuffs turning into a cute little white
baby bear with fluffy white ears. Why? So she can hug it!

A1: ラベンダーハグは2012年と2013年の冬のための女の子です。雪が降る冬の季節に一緒に遊べる女の子は必ず必要ですし、一緒にクリスマスを過ごすのにも最適です。

Q2: Why did you decide to make Lavender Hug?
A2: She is the little girl for winter 2012-2013. We always need a girl to
 take out into the winter snow and one to spend Christmas with.

Q3: デフォルトのラベンダーハグの写真を撮るとしたら、どんな場所がシーンや場所
A3: もしできたら、雪のなかで写真を撮ってみるのをおすすめします。あとは私の写真の

Q3: Where do you suggest taking photos of Lavender Hug?
A3: If the timing is right, it would be great to shoot her in the snow.
      Or Like I did in front of my Christmas tree.

Q4: ラベンダーハグは、他にどんなファッションが似合うと思いますか?
A4: 60年代のゴーゴールックのとかがすごく彼女に合うと思ってます。また、伝統的なス

Q4:  What other outfits would you suggest for Lavender?
A4: I would think a 60's go-go girl look would fit her nicely.
Or she would look great in a traditional Swiss alps outfit with a hat and a
pet goat!

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