Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CLAMP signing at Junie Moon

Thanks to our recent collaboration with Japanese manga troupe CLAMP, we had an exhibition of their "xxxHOLIC" artwork at Junie Moon. Collaboration Blythe "B2Holic" is designed after one of the main characters from "xxxHOLIC"!

漫画家集団CLAMPさんたちとのコラボレーションドールが無事 できました!多くの皆様
に感謝いたします。代官山のJunie Moonでは、いま、xxxHOLiCの展覧会が開催中です。

All of the members of CLAMP came on Sunday for a signing! Their fans were so excited to see them, and even had CLAMP sign their B2Holic dolls and manga!

CLAMPの全ての先生方が、先週の日曜日にサイン会のためにJunie Moonに来てください

CLAMP is an incredibly talented and creative group of artists. We all feel so honored to work with them. Thank you to all of the Blythe and "xxxHOLIC" fans who came out for the signing!


Sweet Gifts

Today I receive these beautiful chocolates from a friend. The espresso crunch will pep me up! The little ladybug is chocolate too. Thank you my friend!


Monday, October 17, 2011

BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT fashion show and tea party

BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT chief designer and myself.

I was invited to the 2nd Annual BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT , fashion show and tea party on Friday and what a treat it was!

The Chinzanso Four Seasons Hotel was filled with cute Lolita girls. This frilly, cute crowd were going in the same direction, to the tea party! The girls we were walking with were seated at our table too.

ファッションブランドの「BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT」のお茶会とファッション
とっても素敵な会でしたよ!FOUR SEASONS HOTEL 椿山荘につくと、可愛らしいロリータガールちゃんたちでいっぱい。フリフリで可愛い女の子たちの後をついていくと、そこは夢のようなお茶会の会場でした。後をついていった可愛い女の子たちは、私たちと同じテーブルでした!

The overall outfit coordination and hairstyles were so impressive! All of the guests went out of their way to look super kawaii.


Even the table setting was lovely. We were greeted by a sweet teddy bear with the BABY logo on his little foot and a secret gift which was a tea cup set (very Alice) .


We were served beautiful petite cakes with pink ribbons, roses, and the famous BABY rabbit bear character!


Oh what a day! The theme was "Hoshinonamida Hime" translated as: Princess Star Teardrops.

The Neo Blythe "Hoshinonamida Hime" sold out before we even sat down for the party! The fashion show featured and exact replica of Hoshi's gorgeous dress and was worn by the most beautiful lolia.


It made us all feel so proud to be at the part and to celebrate the collaboration with the wonderful people at BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT. What a dream come true.

出席した私たちみんな、本当にこのような素晴らしいBABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween at Junie Moon!

Are you ready for something spooky? Well, how about spooky and cute?

It's Halloween at Junie Moon and we are all getting into the spirit! The holiday has recently become popular in Japan, and has even crossed over into the Blythe realm. Our Junie Moon staff styled some bewitching Blythe!

怖いことしてみたい? それとも怖さに可愛さを足したらどう?

ジュニームーンにもハロウィーンがやってきました! みんなでハロウィーンモード全

Simply Bubble Boom has the perfect holiday hair color! Her bright orange coiffe sets off her mysteriously dark look.


Dark and light hair make for a fashionable Halloween.

Which Blythe will you be dressing up this year? Do you prefer a fashionable take on a Halloween outfit or a more thematic costume? Let me know in the comments!

今年はどのブライスをドレスアップしますか? ハロウィーンのアウトフィットをファッ

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CLAMP "xxxHOLIC" Exhibition at Junie Moon

Our newest collaboration here at CWC was with Japanese manga group, CLAMP. They are adored by fans from all over the world. Our gallery at Junie Moon is host the CLAMP "xxxHolic" exhibition and signing to celebrate the Neo Blythe "B2Holic" collaboration.

私たちのCWCの最新のコラボレーションは、漫画家集団CLAMPとのコラボです!世界中のたくさんのファンに愛されているCLAMP。私たちジュニームーンのギャラリーでは、CLAMP「xxx Holic」の展覧会を開催中です。そして今回のネオブライスとのコラボドールB2HOLiCの発売に合わせサイン会も行います!

Junie Moon has been transformed into a graphic display of the "xxxHolic" manga including illustrations from the manga and all of the manga books. We also have on display our collaboration Neo Blythe "B2Holic" on display. Come see our exciting new look at Junie Moon.

The exhibition runs from October 4 to October 30th. CLAMP artists will be having a signing at Junie Moon on October 23rd at 3 pm.

We hope to see you there!

ジュニームーンは、マンガ「xxx Holic」のイメージに様変わり!コミックからのイラストも展示しています!もちろんブライスのコラボドールの「B2 HOLiC」もディスプレイされていますよ!ぜひ新しい雰囲気のジュニームーンに遊びにきてくださいね!



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's in a name?

CWC Exclusive "Hoshinonamida Hime"

The last time we did a collaboration with BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT was in December 2006 . She was called Yukinonamidahime. That means "Princess Snow Tears". This month, October 2011, after nearly 18 months of preparation, "Princess Star Tears" is launched. We used Darling Diva's microphone as a prop, because she is a star and she will shine.

Did you know that the name of the Lolita brand "Baby, The Star Shines Bright" is taken from the title of an album by the same name by the two person English band "Everything but the Girl"? It's a romantic sound, misty and throaty and not at all what I imagined Lolita would sound like.

前回、BABY, THE STARTS SHINE BRIGHTとコラボレーションしたのは、2006年12月でした。彼女の名前は、ユキノナミダヒメ。そして今回2011年10月、約18ヶ月もの準備期間を経て、ホシノナミダヒメが登場します!小道具として、ダーリングディーバについていたマイクスタンドをつけました。なぜって、彼女は輝くスターなんです!

そういえば、皆さんしってるかな? このロリータ服のブランドのBABY, THE STARTS SHINE BRIGHTという名前は、イギリス人の二人組のバンド「Everything but the girl」のアルバムの名前からとったんですって。とてもロマンティックな響きだしちょっとしっとりしていて、ロリータというイメージからは想像もつかないネーミングですよね