Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Treats from Osaka Daimaru

Today I visited the store Green Deli on the 5th floor of Osaka Daimaru because they carry a lot of Blythe goods . They gave me a little gift. Santa's Chocolate Chips!

今日は、大丸梅田店5Fにある、ショップ「Green Deli」に遊びにいきました。なぜって、このお店では、ブライスのグッズをたくさん扱って頂いているからです! 

I just had some and they were sooooo beautifully delicious I wanted to share them with you. Sorry you can't taste the picture.

ちょっといただいてみたところ、ものすごーく美味しくて、とても繊細に出来ています!ぜひ皆さんにもおすそわけ。 でも写真では味わえなくてごめんなさい!

Yum yum yum yum yum!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Junko! You had better watch your girlish figure and send those chocs to me!

    Yes I am a self confessed chocaholic too. LOL!!
