Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Marabelle! マイマラベル!마이 마라벨!

Here's my Marabelle all dressed up! I had fun with Mara today. We borrowed outfit from Very Vicky, Nostalgic Pop, Jenna and Baby's Breath and tried them on. Tell me what you think!

Don't forget to enter the "My Marabelle" photo contest, maybe you will win a free Middie!



제 마라벨을 스타일링 해봤어요♪베리빅키,노스탈직팝,젠나 그리고 베이비즈브레스에게 빌린 옷을 입고 즐거운 촬영 타임을!!! 귀엽게 찍혔을려나?? 여러분의 의견을 들려주세요!!

현재 브라이스 공식 사이트에서는 마이마라벨이라는 제목으로 포토콘테스트가 열리고 있어요! 여러분들도 마라벨으로 사진을 찍어보세요! 우승하신 분에게는 미디브라이스를 선물로 드려요!!


  1. I like how suits on her Very Vicky's outfit <3

  2. 마라벨은 많은 분위기를 가지고 있군요!
    다 예쁘지만 두번째 사진의 프렌치 시크한 느낌이 참 좋아요~
    특히나 손잡고있는 곰돌이까지~
    좋은콘테스트네요~ 다른곳이 소식 알려도 될까요?

  3. Oh I think Marabelle's colours suit better when wearing the sweet and romantic style clothes like in the top and bottom pics. I think the retro style of Nos pop is a bit bright for her...I do love those little bears especially the white one in the top photo <3

  4. She's so pretty in everyone's outfits ... she wears them well.
    And I love that enchanting little white creature in the top photo too! Where is he from??

  5. He is an imaginary creature by Toton. A breed between a deer and a sheep. Cuddly yet supreme!

  6. They are really cute, I love them very much, anyway thought this might be interesting I found this website that can create a super-realistic doll heads of anyone from just a photo. Imagine making doll of yourself, your kids, your boss or your favorite celebrity!

    Apparently they can make the heads in many scales to fit Barbie-like dolls, Tonner dolls or even smaller figurines like Polly Pocket.

  7. Thank you for letting us know the secrets of this mysterious creature! Toton is truly a magic maker ;)
