It's June 23. Which marks Blythe's 12th anniversary. And soon, the anniversary doll will make her debut and into the hands of some very lucky fans.
Allie Gabrielle is special to me because of many reasons. One reason is that the dress she is wearing was one that I had made for another of my dolls 2 years ago. And now, our anniversary girl has it on for everyone to enjoy. I love the jacket. It is an ode to Michael. And you know who that is.
Reason number two, is that Allie has velvety skin. Yes, we thought we would never be able to make that happen again, because of a lot of challenges in production but she has the highly coveted matte skin. The last time we did that was in 2009. But the factory had a very difficult time with it and we had to abandon the idea.... till now! I hope everyone will be happy with her gorgeous skin. I am.
Reason number three, is her hair! Soft, soft, soft and a completely new pinkblonde. I write it as as one word because the hair is blonde with a tint of pink that has no words to describe.
Reason number four, is that she is beautiful and her story is filled with hope and love and everything we need to stay positive in this world. I love the package design, too!
アリー・ガブリエルはわたしにとって特別なドールです。 彼女をデザインする過程でいろいろな気配りをしました。 アリーが着ているドレスは2年前作ったドールが着ていたものと同 じです。ジャケットが特に気に入っていて、 皆さんも大好きなマイケルからインスピレーションを受けたもので す。
アリーの肌の感触は、 今後はもう生産過程のもんだいで再現できないと言っていたマット タイプです。2009年のドール以来の。 きっと皆さんも満足する肌触りになるでしょう。
今年のアニバーサリードールの髪の毛はかなり特別です。 とってもソフトで鮮やかピンクブロンド、 言葉で説明するのが難しいぐらいです。
彼女にまつわる物語もとってもポジティブで美しいものになります 。パッケージも綺麗に出来上がりました!