Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Q & A about Neo Blythe Pickle Winkle

I recently had a Q & A about Pickle Winkle for the Blythe Knows newsletter.  Read on to find out the concept and inspiration behind this adorable Blythe!

Q: ぴっくるは、どんなせいかくのおんなのこですか?
     What kind of personality does Pickle Winkle have?

A:  ピックルはいろんなことにいつもワクワクしてる女の子。例えば、お誕生日のケーキや、買ったばっかりの靴みたいなシンプルなことにも。でも、彼女が一番興奮するのは踊ること、本当に踊ることが大好きなのです
She is an excitable person. She gets excited about a lot of things, even simple things like a birthday cake, or a new pair of shoes. She is most excited about dancing.  Dancing is her favorite thing!

Q:   ぴっくるのなまえのゆらいいみをおしえてください。
     What is the story behind her name Pickle Winkle?

といのも、彼女はダンサーなのだから、弾みのある素敵な名前をつけたかったのです。そして、PicklePiWinkleWiだけをとってみると、なんとPi Wi(Pee Wee) 、つま
First of all, it sounds melodic. Because she is a dancer, I wanted to give her a name with a bounce to it.  But if you take just the beginning of each word, it will sound out Pi Wi ( Pee Wee) which literally means - little one.  She may be little but she has a large personality and is a ball of enthusiasm

Q:  .ぴっくるのふぁっしょんについて おしえてください。 ぼうしのかたちや おーるいんわんのえりもとのぷりんとなどとってもゆにーくですが、いんすぴれーしょんのもとはなんですか?
 Tell me about her fashion.  Her hat and outfit are very unique and have some interesting   design elements.

A: 帽子の形、グラフィカルな可愛い模様の入ったオールインワンの洋服はとっても個性的。彼女はカジュアルな女の子としてデザインされたのだけれど、性格はとても溌剌とした元気な女の子。冬のニット帽からひらめいて、素材を夏の終わりや秋のはじめにかぶれるものに変えてみました。彼女が踊ると、帽子のポンポンがはずむところを思い描いてね。
The shape of her hat, her all in one outfit with cute graphic, are all very unique!  She was designed to be a casual but energetic girl, the inspiration was originally a winter knit cap but eventually with the material  change, her complete look became late summer, early fall.  Imagine the pom poms on her hat bouncing up and down as she dances.   

Q: ぴっくるがおどるだんすのじゃんるは なんですか? ぴっぷほっぷけい?
  What kind of dancing does she do? Hop-hop? 

A: いいえ、彼女がダンスはピックル・ウィックル系! ポンポンと弾むエネルギッジュな振り付けの新しい踊りです。
No! Her dance is called Pickle Winkle! A new kind of choreography full of bouncing and energy! 

Q: じゅんこさんは ぴっくるとどうやってあそびますか?
    How are you going to play with her, Junko san?

A:  他のブライスと同じように遊ぶと思うけれど、特にピックルとは音楽と一緒に楽しみたいです。ピックルを動かしながら、面白いステップを踏ませたりして!時間のあるときに、踊りをビデオにとってアニメションにしたい、アニメーションのタイトルは「ストップ・モーション」がいいかしら(笑) .
 The way I always do but I think, I will also play around with music and movements and come up with some  funny dance steps for Pickle.  And if I have the time, I would love to do film an animation, "stop motion". 


Monday, August 27, 2012

Neo Blythe Pickle Winkle is coming soon!

Our new girl, Pickle Winkle is coming soon! Her sweet face and youthful styling gives her the feeling of a fun young girl. She loves to dance and perform.

We've paid lots of attention to the cute design details for little Pickle. Her one piece outfit has a great pumpkin shop, which is very popular in Tokyo street wear right now. Her bob has cute dark brown streak that gives her an authentic Harajuku girl look.

We just love this little cutie!

She's available for preorder from Junie Moon international online shopping site this week. Check out facebook and shop news for more information.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Salon de Junie Moon hosts Sieste "Otome Kokeshi Ribbon" Workshop

Osaka Salon de Junie Moon was very fortunate to have the chance to welcome Sieste to hold her extremely popular "Otome Kokeshi Ribbon" workshop! Doll fans from around the world love to collect these adorable handmade kokeshi dolls. Sieste has become synonyms with the neo kokeshi tradition in Japan.

The students enjoyed this workshop tremendously! You could hear "kawaii~!" from every person in the room.

The lesson finished with the making of a mini box to place the little kokeshi Ribbons. The boxes were so perfect and adorable!  Out of the box, they are precious darlings!

 Everyone had a lovely time creating this petite little kokeshi! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Osaka Salon de Junie Moon Popo Ikeda Workshop

We had a new workshop at Osaka Salon de Junie Moon.

This time our teacher was Popo Ikeda who makes cute little accessories out of pipe cleaners.  She taught her students how to make Blythe hair accessories that look exactly like the Junie Moon logo.  It was fun workshop for all attending.

If you would like to take a workshop from Junie Moon check out our website!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blythe at Le Perouse Bay

Le Perouse Bay is surrounded by a sea of lava rock that flowed from the dormant Volcano "Haleakala"  sometime in the 17th century.  The landscape is black, rocky,  and  immensely vast. It  made me feel vulnerable and humble in the hands of an unpredictable God.  The rocks are really sharp and the trail is narrow and winding. You can see the back of Haleakala to your left as you walk and the never ending ocean to the right with equally rough waves crashing down on the lava. After awhile we found a tiny beach surrounded by thorny kiawe trees and heard some goats.  Even the goats were black!  It was pretty apocalyptic. A perfect location to photograph this Blythe.

まだ火山活動をおこなっていた17世紀ごろに流れでた溶岩に囲まれたLe Perouse